Writing is one of the English skills that students need to master. Based on the
result of preliminary study by interviewing the eleventh year English teacher of SMA
Negeri 1 Ambulu, it was known that the students of class XI IPA 3 had problems in
writing especially in the aspects of grammar, vocabulary, mechanic, content, and
organization. In addition, the students’ active participation during the writing
teaching and learning process was low. This condition might happen because the
teacher had never given any feedback to their writing. The teacher directly scored the
students’ writing.
To solve the problems, a classroom action research with cycle model was
conducted collaboratively with the English teacher in which each cycle covered four
stages included preparation of the action, implementation of the action, observation
and evaluation, and data analysis and reflection of the action. This research was
carried out in two cycles and each cycle was conducted in two meetings and writing
test was conducted in the third meeting. The technique applied in this research was
conference feedback since it enabled the students to recognize their errors and to
correct them so that their writing achievement could be improved.
There were two kinds of data collected in this research. They were qualitative
and quantitative data. The qualitative data was gained through observation in the form
of field note, while the quantitative data was gained through observation in the form
of checklist and writing test. Observation in the form of field note was conducted to
record the teacher’s activities in the classroom based on the lesson plan, while observation in the form of checklist was conducted to know the students’ active
participation during the writing teaching and learning process through conference
feedback. The observation checklist consisted of five indicators they are: asking
questions, answering questions, paying attention to the lesson, using dictionary to
find the words, and revising for the final draft. In this case, the students were
considered active if they could fulfill at least three indicators. Meanwhile, writing test
was administered to know the students’ writing achievement.
This research was considered successful if at least 75% of the students got the
score of ≥ 70 and 75% of them actively involved in the teaching and learning process
of writing through conference feedback. However, based on the result of the
observation checklist and the writing test, the actions in the first cycle failed to
achieve the target requirement. There were 24 of 43 students (55.8%) who were
active in the first meeting. Meanwhile, the number of active students increased to
62.8% in the second meeting. In this meeting, there were 27 of 43 students who could
fulfill at least three indicators of the students’ active participation. In addition, based
on the result of the writing test the mean score was 68.0 from the targeted score, that
was 70. Therefore, it was necessary to continue the actions to the second cycle by
revising some necessary aspects in the first cycle. They were gave clearer conference
feedback to the students about their errors, gave explanation about passive voice and
simple past tense to the students, provided more time for the students to write
narrative text whether in the writing assignment or in the writing test, and also
provided more topics in the writing test in order to give chance to choose the topic
based on their experience to write narrative text.
Based on the process and product evaluation, there was an improvement on
the students’ active participation in joining the teaching and learning process of
writing through conference feedback and their writing achievement in the second
cycle. In this cycle, there were 32 active students of 43 students (74.4%) in the first
meeting. Meanwhile, in the second meeting, the number of active students increased to 81.4% or there were 35 active students. Furthermore, the mean score of the
students’ writing test also increased to 72.8. Having known the results of the
classroom action research, the actions were stopped since the students succeeded in
achieving the target of the research.
Concerning the results above, it can be concluded that the use of conference
feedback can improve both the students’ active participation in the teaching of
writing and learning process and their writing achievement. Therefore, it is suggested
that the English teacher apply conference feedback as an alternative technique in the
teaching of writing and learning process.