The Influence of Hormonal Contraceptive Use to Breast Cancer in dr. Soebandi Jember Hospital
Breast cancer is a malignant derived from cells in the breast. The disease of breast
cancer is one of cancer disease killers of women. Some research shows that there are
influence between usage of hormonal contraceptives and breast cancer. Purpose of
this research is to analyze the influence of hormonal contraception use to breast
cancer in dr. Soebandi Jember Hospital. This research was analytical study using
case control design. The samples were 44 woman suffering from breast cancer and
88 woman without breast cancer. The data obtained were presented in table form and
analyzed using univariable, bivariable with Chi-square test, and multivariable
analysis with logistic regression test with significance level of 5% (α=0.05). The
research result were the hormonal contraceptive that was used was pill type, length
of use of contraceptive methods and family history (internal variables) affected both
statistically and clinically on the breast cancer. Meanwhile, the age of menstruation,
pregnancy history and history of breastfeeding had no significant relationship with
the breast cancer. Prevention efforts that can be done by dr. Soebandi Jember
Hospital is an increase in health promotion and screening, especially for women with
a family history of breast cancer in the selection and proper use of contraceptives
- UT-Faculty of Public Health [2275]