Ichsan Asyari S
ne of the goals of health-oriented development in Indonesia is to improve the health
status which may eventually reduce morbidity of various diseases, one of which is
tuberculosis. The high incidence of the disease Tuberculosis (T B ) requires prevention
efforts of various parties. The family is the closest of people with TB. One of exertion
that can be done is prevention efforts by sufferers family. The research is to analyze
the family roles in TB spreading prevention efforts that conducted a qualitative
approach using purposive sampling technique. Indepth interviews was done in six
member of family to obtain a more indepth information about the variables studied.
The research focus include the characteristics, knowledge, attitude and the role
family in TB spreading prevention efforts. The Result showed the role of family it self
is good but in several think, it is not applicated yet.
- UT-Faculty of Public Health [2275]