In language learning, the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and
writing as well as the three components: vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation
must be mastered. Besides, the teaching learning process should indicate integration
skill since the skills cannot be separated one another. Writing is not an easy task; we
often face many difficulties in expressing our ideas in a written form because it needs
not only practice but also talent (Farbairn and Winch, 1996:228). Meanwhile, the
target of teaching writing in Indonesia as stated in the Institutional Level Curriculum
(Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan/ KTSP) is that students are exposed to
communicate short essay (interpersonal, ideational, textual) into various written texts
and monologue, especially in the form of descriptive; narrative; spoof/ recount;
procedure and anecdote (Depdiknas, 2006:106). In line with the target above, the
researcher did a preliminary study on class VIII D students of SMP Negeri 1
Krejengan and found some problems. Some students have difficulty to express their
ideas in written form. The indicator is the remained low capability of making simple
text writing, and the main reason why this happens is that the teacher still has less of
media to stimulate the students’ interest to expand their ideas. In addition, they have
problem in organizing their paragraph writing to become a good simple text. The
objectives of this research are to improve the students’ recount text writing
achievement and to promote composite pictures to facilitate them in the process of
learning. The term writing achievement in this research is the students’ performance
in writing recount text, demonstrated by scores of writing test with the indicators;
content, vocabulary, mechanics, grammar and organization. Meanwhile, recount text is a text which tells us about experiences (past events) and includes a sequence of
Furthermore, this research is a classroom action research. It is carried out to
improve class VIII D students’ recount text writing achievement through composite
pictures at SMP Negeri 1 Krjengan in the 2011/ 2012 academic year. The respondents
are class VIII D students at SMP Negeri 1 Krejengan. In this classroom action
research, there are two kinds of instruments to collect the data. Writing test is the
instrument used to collect the data about students’ writing achievement, while field
notes is the instrument used in the observation. The data was analyzed using formula.
The criteria of success are that 70% or more of the students achieved the minimum
score requirement that is 70 and most of students are facilitated with the composite
pictures in their learning process. The results of writing test were the percentage of
students who got score >
70 had improved from 54.5% (12 students) in the first cycle
to 72.7% (16 students) in the second cycle. Meanwhile from the observation in the
form of field note, it was also found the improvement from the first cycle to the
second cycle. Overall, the students’ had achieved the research criteria of success.
Finally, based on the results of data analysis and discussion, it was known that
teaching writing through composite pictures can improve class VIII D students’
writing achievement at SMP Negeri 1 Krejengan Probolinggo. Considering that
result, the researcher suggests the English teacher to use composite pictures in
teaching writing to improve and to develop the students’ writing achievement. It
would be more interesting and the students would be more motivated to join the
writing activity and then they would not be passive anymore.