dc.description.abstract | This Skripsi has title “The Effect Of Third Person Of Fund And Total Of
Credit That Used To The Level Of Liquidity On Bank Perkreditan Rakyat In
Regency Of Jember”. This skripsi has the aim to know the large influence of the
third party donation and sum the credit distributed to liquidity level of Bank
Prekreditan Rakyat in Regency of Jember, either trough simultan and parcial.
Method of analysis used by data is doubled linier regress analysis. This researe
used the secondary data in the form of monthly time series data during 2 years of
period (2004-2005) and the data is collected in office Bank Indonesia Jember.
Analysis of doubled linier regress supported with test of coefficient regress
insimulthan (Ftest) and test of coefficient regress in partial (ttest) by using level of
significant a= 5%. Result of test of coefficient regress in simulthan to know by
Ftes of equal to 21,03 by probabilities of equal to 0,0% < a = 5%, to prove
simulthan the third party and sum the credit distributed have influence significant
to liquidity level. Result of test coefficient regress in partial the third party of
equal to 0,601 and probabilities of equal to 55,4%> a = 5%, to prove partial the
third party is not have influence significant to liquidity level. Result of test of
coefficient regress in partial sum the credit distributed of equal to –6,201 and
probabilities of equal to 0,0% < a = 5%, to prove partial sum the credit
distributed have influence significant to liquidity level. According to the result of
the analysis is in increasing liqudity of needs raising of the third party donation
pass rough promotion the superiority facilities product of Bank Perkreditan
Rakyat by visiting community directly and in processing of irquefaction credit
distribution, it’s better Bank Prekreditan Rakyat carry out supervision about the
debitur costumer, so the struct credit doesn’t hapend | en_US |