dc.description.abstract | Using correct grammar is important both in spoken and written English.
Therefore grammar occupies an important role where the language uses patterns to
convey meaning. Studying grammar is the basic study of language. In Indonesia
English is regarded as foreign language. It means that a leaner who is studying
English is inevitable to make error. In this case the students of English Department as
English learners also still make errors in studying English especially grammar. They
do errors in the use of tenses and passive voice especially in their essay writing. This
thesis intends to analyze the error and the ability of students in the use of tenses and
passive voice.
In this study the method of the research is descriptive. The researcher uses
essay writing test to obtain primary data. Exactly, the data are obtained by asking the
students of 2005/2006 academic year, as respondents, to write a free topic in essay
writing. The time given for doing the test is about 30 minutes in 300 words. In this
test the students have to pay more attention in the use of tenses and passive voice.
Through this test the researcher can analyze the error of tenses and passive voice that
students make.
After the data are obtained, the next step is to analyze the errors and to show
the ability of the students in using tenses and passive voice. The error data are shown
in percentage form. According to the result of this study, the total errors of tenses and
passive voice are 147. It can be classified into omission (46.28%) that has fair
categorization, addition (5.44%) that has good categorization and misformation
(48.24%) that has fair categorization. The general classification of tenses and passive
voice error shows that simple present tense is classified into poor and the others are
good. Based on this research the students of 2005/2006 academic year still make
errors in their essay writing. The students’ error in simple present tense is they omit
s/es for third person singular. Another error is the use of wrong structure in using
simple present tense in their writing. From the description above, it can be concluded
that the students of 2005/2006 academic year are good in using tenses and passive
voice except in using simple present tense | en_US |