PENGARUH PERSEPSI GENDER TERHADAP KEPUASAN KERJA DOSEN Studi Empiris Terhadap Dosen Akuntansi Pada Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Dan Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Di Jember
This research is aimed to test and give empirical evidence about the influence
of perception of gender to job satisfaction. The data is obtained by surveying method
through spreading of questioners. Here in after the data will be statistically analyzed
by using multiple regression constructively package of SPSS 12,0 for Windows.
In this research, we use perception of gender as independent variable and job
satisfaction as dependent variable. The hypothesis is perception of gender influence
job satisfaction of accounting lecturer at jember governmental and private
The result obtained from hypothesis test indicates that perception of gender
have influenced job satisfaction of accounting lecturer at the universities in jember.
The result was evidenced by the result of statistical test indicating that value of
is smaller than F
For the next, research is suggested to do in other place with different object so
that the result can be generalized. This research also can be develoved by adding
other factors that can influence job satisfation.
Key Words : perception of gender, job satisfaction