Improving Class VIII A Students’ Speaking Achievement by Giving Verbal And
Non-Verbal Reinforcement At SMPN 1 Sukowono Jember in the 2011/2012
Academic Year; Hamim Ma’ruf, 060210401376; 2013; 79 pages; English Education
Study Program, Language and Arts Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and
Education, Jember University.
This classroom action research was intended to improve the grade eight
students’ speaking achievement by giving verbal and non-verbal reinforcement. The
subjects of this research were class VIII A students of SMPN 1 Sukowono that were
determined purposively. Based on the result of classroom observation in the
preliminary study, it was found that many students of class VIII A experienced
difficulties in doing English speaking. Besides, they did not participate actively
during the teaching learning process. This finding was supported by the English
teacher’s admission and the result of speaking diagnostic test. The result of diagnostic
test showed that only 13 students achieved the standard requirement score of English
which was 65, while 25 students have score below 65. It could be said that only
35.13% students had achieved the standard requirement score of English.
This classroom action research was conducted collaboratively with class VIII
A English teacher of SMPN 1 Sukowono. There were four stages of activities in this
research, namely: planning of the action, implementation of the action, observation
and evaluation, and data analysis and reflection. The data collection methods that
were used in this research were interview, documentation, diagnostic test, classroom
observation, and achievement test. This classroom action research was carried out in
two cycles and each cycle was conducted in three meetings. The first and the second
meeting were used to do the actions and the third meeting was used to conduct the
speaking achievement test.
In the cycle I, there were 70.27% of the students who were active during the
teaching of speaking in the first meeting of cycle I and there were 75.67% of the
students who were active during the teaching of speaking in the second meeting of
cycle I. It can be said that the percentage of student’ active part icipat ion has achieved
higher than 70% of the target minimum of students’ act ive involvement. However,
the percentage of the students who achieved ≥65 in speaking test was only 67.5%
whereas the target of this research was 70%. Dealing with the results, it was
necessary to continue the action to the second cycle by revising some necessary
aspects in the first cycle.
In the second cycle, there were 81% of the students who were active during
the teaching of speaking in the first meeting of cycle II and there were 83.78% of the
students who were active during the teaching of speaking in the second meeting of
cycle II. It can be said that the percentage of student’ active part icipat ion has
achieved higher than 70% of the target. Meanwhile, the percentage of the students
who got ≥65 in speaking test was 78.37%. It means that the minimum requirement
percentage of the students who got ≥65 had been achieved in cycle II. Since all of
research targets had been successfully achieved in the second cycle, the action was
Based on the research results from cycle I to cycle II, it could be concluded
that teaching speaking by giving verbal and non-verbal reinforcement could improve
the students’ participation and speaking achievement. Thus, the English teacher was
suggested to give verbal and non-verbal reinforcement to the students to improve
their academic performance like English speaking since it could improve the
students’ speaking achievement.