dc.description.abstract | SUMMARY
The Effect of Using Racing Game on the Eighth Grade Students’ Interactive
Grammar Achievement at SMP Bustanul Ulum Wuluhan in the 2012/2013
Academic Year ; Farah Dita Vandewati, 060210401064; 2012; 29 Pages; English
Language Education Study Program; Language and Arts Department, Faculty
of Teacher Training and Education, Jember University.
English plays an important role in the world as an international language
since many countries use it as their first or second language. According to Harsono
(2005:2) English has been decided to be the first foreign language in Indonesia.
However, many Indonesian students have difficulties in learning English, especially
grammar. It is because of the differences between the Indonesian structure and the
English structure (Novarianto, 2009:6). Considering the problem above, the English
teacher has a big job to solve that problem. The teacher should give both the theory
and practice. It is not only about studying the patterns, but also the meaning and the
function of tenses as well.
There are so many ways for the English teacher to give variation in teaching
grammar, such as by playing games. Playing games can stimulate students’
motivation in learning grammar since it is fun and challenging. Moreover, students
can apply their grammar by playing games because they can interact with their
friends. One of the games that can be used is a Racing Game. A Racing game is a
game in which the students participate in a racing competition. Novarianto (2009:9)
states that racing game can motivate and challenge the students.
The purpose of this research was to know whether or not there was a
significant effect of using Racing Game on the eighth grade students’ interactive
grammar achievement at SMP Bustanul Ulum Wuluhan.
The research design was an experimental research with post-test only control
group design. It began from distributing homogenity test, analyzing students’
homogenity scores using ANOVA, deciding the experimental class and control class,
giving treatment to the experimental class, giving the same post test to the both
experimental and control classes, and the last analyzing the result of the post test by
using independent sample t-test.
The area of this research was SMP Bustanul Ulum Wuluhan. It was chosen
because Racing Game had never been used by the English teacher in teaching
grammar. Based on the result of the homogeneity test, it showed that all of the eighth
grade classes are homogenous. So class VIII A and class VIII B were chosen as the
control class and the experimental class randomly by lottery.
The result of this research showed that there was a significant effect of using
Racing Game on the eighth grade students’ interactive grammar achievement. It was
proven by the value of significant column of t-test table by using SPSS Software was
0.018. It was less than 0.05. The degree of relative effectiveness of using Racing
Game on the eighth grade students’ interactive grammar achievement was 22.06%
more effective than teaching grammar through lecturing technique.
Based on the explanation above it was concluded that; there is a significant
effect of using Racing Game on the eighth grade students’ interactive grammar
achievement at SMP Bustanul Ulum Wuluhan in the 2012/2013 academic year. | en_US |