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dc.contributor.authorDiana Savitri
dc.description.abstractLow back pain may disturb any kind of activity of bus driver. If a bus driver suffers this pain at the moment of driving, such condition will ruin his vigilance leading to a fault or even an accident that causes danger to both driver and passenger. The research aims to identify a number of factors that are related to risks of low back pain suffered by bus drivers at a bus company “PO Jember Indah”. These factors include age, musculoskeletal medical records, level of obesity, and sitting position. This research is categorized as a cross sectional study. The population is comprised of 46 bus drivers. The sample is obtained by means of the total sampling method and adjusted to a previously determined inclusion criterion. As a result, 29 samples are obtained. A statistical test that uses the Cramer Coefficient C test is conducted in order to discover factors that are concerned with risks of low back pain. The results of the research indicate that there is no significant relation between factors that are investigated and risks of low back pain (approx. Sig. Cramer’s V > α, in which α=0.05). Hence, it is strongly advisable for the “PO Jember Indah” to organize a pre-recruitment medical examination for bus driver candidates, carry out a regular medical check-up for hired bus drivers, and widely inform all the drivers about preventive measures of low back pain, i.e. to practice stretching of muscles for the relaxation of waist muscles after driving.en_US
dc.subjectlow back pain, bus driveren_US
dc.titleFaktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan Dengan Risiko Low Back Pain pada Pengemudi Bus PO. Jember Indah Kabupaten Jemberen_US

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