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dc.contributor.authorSyaiful Bahri
dc.description.abstractThe accomplishment of Universal Child Immunization (UCI) is basically a comprehensive illustration of the coverage of infant target who has completely gained immunization. Based on data of 2008, 2009, and 2010 from Health Service of The District Government of Sumenep, it was known that subdistricts which were not able to fulfill target for HBO and BCG antigens were about 70 and 80% for the first immunization programme in newborn infant. One of them was Lenteng Subdistrict, especially in the working area of Primary Health Center of Moncek Tengah. The purpose of this research was to examine failure determinants of the first immunization administration, i.e. HBO and BCG, in newborn infant at Lenteng Subdistrict, The District Government of Sumenep on 2010. Those determinants include characteristic of mother, knowledge level of mother, auxiliary of delivery, support of husband, and activity of midwife officer. This research used analytical survey method. The results of this research (confidence interval 95%) showed that the most influential factor in the failure of first immunization at Lenteng Subdistrict, The District Government of Sumenep was knowledge level of mother, with p-value and Odd Ratio (OR) value were 0,012 and 5,134, respectively. OR value indicates that low level of knowledge as the risk factor affects the failure of first immunization 5,134 times higher. Concerning these facts, it is necessary to urge government and private party involvement in providing information about the first immunization programme. It is also needed to bring about a socialization on the importance of first immunization on mother both directly and indirectly, using various sort of promotion media. Finally, there must be a direct supervision and evaluation from Health Service and Head of Public Health Clinic towards the working performance of midwife officer.en_US
dc.subjectfirst immunization, newborn infant, failure determinantsen_US
dc.titleDETERMINAN KEGAGALAN PEMBERIAN IMUNISASI PERTAMA (HB0 DAN BCG) PADA BAYI BARU LAHIR (Studi di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Moncek Tengah Kecamatan Lenteng Kabupaten Sumenep Tahun 2010)en_US

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