dc.description.abstract | This Research is conducted in Satuan Wilayah Pembangunan ( SWP) VII Province East
Java. This Research aim to to know how big role of growth center in giving spread effect
through strength of its fascination to region of hinterland, total friction of growth of
economics between earnings difference and region between region in the year 2000 up to
year 2005.
Analyzer used to process data is analysis Make an index to Gravitation to know
fascination center growth with hinterland, analyse Shift Share used to know contribution
growth of analysis and economics Make an index to Williamson to know earnings
difference. used data represent data of sekunder borrowed ideas from Badan Pusat
Statistik of Province East Java and literature study.
Result of analysis Make an index Gravitation show value above six digit that is
266.533.959,60 up to 2.369.861.018,67, this matter indicate that available mediums in
growth center used by area of hinterland and big also function center growth as service
center to area of around him. Result of analysis by using analysis of Shift Share area
indicate which including friction of growth of its economics increase.Kota/Kabupaten
Kediri 0,71% ( increase), Kota/Kabupaten Blitar 87,56% ( increse), Kabupaten Nganjuk
12,25% ( increase), Kabupaten Tulungagung 0,39% ( increase) Kabupaten Trenggalek
12,32% ( increase), while Kabupaten Jombang equal to - 25,15 % ( decrease). Result of
analysis Make an index to Williamson show number less coming near one that is 0,41 up
to 0,62, meaning earnings difference among growth center with small hinterland relative.
Growth center will give role of larger ones in increase of development of its back area
though spreading intensity accepted by its back area different each other. Spread effect
from growth center only reach certain area to a point, area which far from growth center
cannot enjoy spread effect from center growth. | en_US |