This research is entitle “Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja Pada Industri Garmen di
Kota Probolinggo tahun 2000-2005.” The purpose of this thesis are to know the
development of the product and the development of the amount of the worker to the
garmen’s industri.
This research is including in the descriptive research. Descriptive research
is searching clearly about one or more variable without trying to look for the relation
pattern. The research analiyze about the amount worker and the production to the
garmen’s industry at Probolinggo. The data that is used in this research is the
secondary date. The data obtained from Statistical Center Body of Peobolinggo City,
Industrial and Trade Official, Employment and Transmigration Deaprtement. The
method that used to know the amount of analysis that is used to know the growth of
rate produce and the growth of worker are used the rate method measure as
measuring growth.
The result of this research of this thesis show the worker absorption of
garmen’s industry at Probolinggo have elastic’s characteristic and it about 5,92%. It
means that in every increasing production of 1% will be followed by 5,92% of
worker increase. The development of garmen’s industry at Probolinggo during 6 last
years is getting better. The development not only to the number produce but also to
the number of worker growth.
Conclusion from this research is (1) elasticity of labour absorbtion of
garmen’s industry in Probolinggo have elastic characteristic; (2) the result of trend
garmen’s industry experience of the improvement of equal to 629.100 pieces in each