Among the four skills, reading is considered to be the important skill because
it becomes the central of the teaching and learning process. Most of the teaching
learning process is associated with reading. In reading a recount text, it is not always
easy for the students to comprehend the text. Sometimes they experience difficulties
in reading the recount text. This research is intended to describe the grade 8 students’
achievement and their difficulties in reading recount texts at SMP Negeri 1
Banyuputih Situbondo. It is related to their achievement to cope with the problems in
comprehending word meanings, sentences, paragraphs, and the whole text.
The respondents of the research were the grade 8 students of SMP Negeri 1
Banyuputih Situbondo. The respondents in this research were taken by using
proportional random sampling by lottery from the 4 existing regular classes because
they were parallel classes as informed by the English teacher. The number of the
respondents were 28 students taken proportionally from those 4 classes.
The primary data were collected from the reading test and questionnaire. The
supporting data were collected from interview, and documentation.
Based on the research result, it was known that the students’ paragraph
comprehension achievement was the lowest or it can be said that paragraph
comprehension was the most difficult among the other indicators. The percentage was
Meanwhile, as stated in the result of data analysis and the classification
presented in Table 4.1 (see page 36) and Table 4.4 (see page 40), in general the 8 grade students’ achievement in reading recount texts was classified as ‘failed’ (M=
32.97%). This result was supported by the results of each indicator, namely the
percentage of the students’ word comprehension achievement was categorized as
failed (M= 34.92%). Then, the percentage of the students’ sentence comprehension
achievement was categorized as poor (M= 44.84%). In addition, the percentage of the
students’ paragraph comprehension achievement was categorized as failed (M=
16.67%). The last, the percentage of the students’ text comprehension achievement
was categorized as failed (M= 28.57%).
Based on the result of this research, it is recommended to the English teacher
to train and give more drill, especially how to find the word meaning and how to get
the meaning of the sentence in the contexts. The students’ difficulties in reading
recount texts, especially paragraph comprehension can be overcome when the
students have enough vocabulary and know the meaning of the word in the sentence.
Thus, the teacher is suggested to give more explanation about how to get the meaning
of word as the key point to understand a recount text. Then, it is also recommended to
the students to do as many exercises as possible dealing with the word
comprehension, sentence comprehension, paragraph comprehension, and text
comprehension in reading recount texts to increase their reading comprehension