Analisis Alokasi Anggaran Bidang Infrastruktur terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Kabupaten Bulungan-Kalimantan Timur
This research analyzed the budget allocation of infrastructure in purpose of
determining how much the effect of the infrastructure budget was on the
economic growth in Bulungan Regency. The type of the research was descriptive
and correlational, which means that the research was conducted by collecting data
to test the hypotheses intended to answer the final status of the subjects and to
answer whether there was a correlation between each of the studied variables. The
research was conducted for eight months by collecting secondary data in
Bulungan Regency, East Kalimantan Province. The tool of analysis used was
regression analysis, showing that the availability of infrastructure did not have a
significant effect on the economic growth in Bulungan Regency. The causality
test of Granger showed a one-way correlation between the economic growth of
the previous year and that of the future.
Keywords : Budget Allocation, Infrastructure, Economic Growth
- MT-Management [543]