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dc.contributor.authorLUBIS, Maralodia Almira
dc.descriptionFinalisasi oleh Taufik Tgl 25 Pebruari 2025en_US
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: Yellow pumpkin (Curcubita moschata durch) belongs to the curcubitaceae family which is widely distributed throughout Indonesia. The use of pumpkin itself is still lacking, because until now it has only been used as a daily consumption ingredient. One way to use pumpkin is to dry it and reduce its size to make starch. Pumpkin is a native starch which has the characteristics of being difficult to compress properly and tends to increase tablet fragility and capping if used in high concentrations so the starch needs to be modified. Modifications that can be carried out are by hydrolysis with the help of acid. Method: This research was conducted using experimental methods. Modified pumpkin starch was made by hydrolyzing with different HCl acid concentrations and hydrolysis times. The interaction between HCl acid concentration and hydrolysis time was optimized using Design Factorial contained in Design Expert 13.0 software. Results: The response test results were then optimized using a factorial design and obtained optimal hydrolysis conditions at 7.615% HCl content and within 9 days. Increasing HCl levels has an effect on decreasing pH and Carr's Index values, while increasing hydrolysis time has an effect on decreasing Hausner Ratio values and increasing Swelling Index, Loss on Drying, Effective Pore Radius and amylose content. Conclusion: All test values for the response yielded no significant differences between the predicted response and the experimental response results.en_US
dc.publisherFakultas Farmasien_US
dc.titleOptimasi Kadar HCl dan Waktu Hidrolisis Pati Labu Kuning (Curcubita Moschata Durch) sebagai Kandidat Superdisintegranen_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing1Dr. apt. Lina Winarti, S.Farm., M.Scen_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing2Dr. Ir. Mochamad Asrofi, S.T.en_US
dc.identifier.validatorvalidasi_repo_ratna_Februari 2025en_US

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