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dc.contributor.authorFEBRIANTI, Gita Dwi
dc.descriptionFinalisasi unggah file repositori tanggal 6 Mei 2024_Kurnadien_US
dc.description.abstractMathematics is an abstract science and requires a deeper understanding, by learning mathematics it is hoped that students will be able to develop critical, creative, innovative, analytical, systematic thinking skills, and be able to solve everyday problems. Therefore, creative and interesting innovations are needed for students, one of which is by developing teaching materials or student worksheets (LKPD). The problems found during interviews with fifth grade teachers at SDN Banjarsengon 02 Jember were that students still had difficulty dealing with questions related to everyday problems, teachers only used textbooks and worksheets from school and teachers never developed their own worksheets, so researchers developing PISA-based student worksheets with the aim of knowing the process of developing valid, effective, and practical PISA-based student worksheets, and knowing the results of the validity, effectiveness, and practicality of PISA-based student worksheets. The research methodology used in this research is the Borg and Gall model development research procedure which consists of 10 stages, but in this study it was carried out up to 8 stages. The research was carried out in the even semester of the 2022/2023 school year. The research subjects were 48 students in class V-A and V-B at SDN Banjarsengon 02 Jember. Data collection methods used in research are observation, interviews, questionnaires, learning achievement tests, and documentation. The data that has been collected is analyzed to determine validity with the results of the validation of experts who obtain results of 89.17 with a very feasible category, the effectiveness of the t-test which obtains results of 10.8> 1.678 which closes the experimental class learning is stated to be more effective than the control class and the effectiveness test for the relative results obtained by 63.9% was influenced by 3dshamath learning media based on flash player, 36.1% was influenced by external factors, as well as the practicality of using student response questionnaires which obtained 91.4% results which were classified as very practical.en_US
dc.description.sponsorship1. Prof. Dr.M. Sulthon, M.Pd. 2. Fathan Fihrisi M.Pd.Ien_US
dc.publisherFakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikanen_US
dc.titlePengembangan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik Berbasis PISA untuk Mengefektifkan Pembelajaran Materi Bangun Ruang pada Peserta Didik Kelas V di SDN Banjarsengon 02 Jemberen_US
dc.identifier.prodiPendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasaren_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing1Prof. Dr.M. Sulthon, M.Pd.en_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing2Fathan Fihrisi M.Pd.Ien_US

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