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dc.contributor.authorHASANAH, Nur Alinda Uswa
dc.description.abstractWriting in teaching Indonesian can familiarize students with applying linguistic knowledge. The existence of writing competence will make students trained to express ideas/thoughts and information in writing in the form of text. The text of personal experience is a narrative about everything that has ever been experienced by someone and is something that is very impressive and unforgettable. To find out the language errors made by students, an analysis of the results of student writing can be carried out. In this study, what will be used as data is the text of the personal experiences of grade 5 students at SDN Wonojati 02. The purpose of this research is to describe: mistakes in the use of phrases, clauses, and sentences in the personal experience text of grade 5 SDN Wonojati 02. The research will describe systematically and accurately the errors in the use of phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs in the text of students' personal experiences text of grade 5 SDN Wonojati 02. The results of this study include; (1) mistakes in using phrases in text of students’ personal experiences grade 5 SDN Wonojati 02, namely the wrong use of structures, the use of prepositions, and the use of possessive words; (2) errors in the use of clauses in text of students’ personal experiences grade 5 SDN Wonojati 02, namely the addition of the auxiliary verb is as well as by, errors in the form of using the word by replaced with the same word group of language errors most often occur; and (3) errors in the use of sentences in text of students’ personal experiences class 5 SDN Wonojati 02, namely sentences that are not grammatical, sentences that are not coherent, sentences that are not frugal, and sentences that interfere. This research can be concluded that errors in the Personal Experience Texts of Grade 5 Elementary School Students in the areas of phrases, clauses and sentences, namely the prepositions in and to are in the group of language errors that occur most frequently. More language errors were found in the form of using the word by replaced by the same word. Language errors in the whole sentence area are caused by language interference.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipDr. Parto, M.Pd. Fitri Nura Murti, S.Pd., M.Pd.en_US
dc.publisherFakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikanen_US
dc.subjectTEKS NARASIen_US
dc.titleKesalahan Sintaksis pada Teks Narasi Pengalaman Pribadi Siswa Kelas 5 SDN Wonojati 02en_US
dc.identifier.prodiPendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesiaen_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing1Dr. Parto, M.Pd.en_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing2Fitri Nura Murti, S.Pd., M.Pden_US

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