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dc.contributor.authorINASNANI, Yusvia
dc.identifier.nimErna Cahyawati , S.S,.M,Humen_US
dc.description.abstractThis research aims to explain the author's worldview in Never Let Me Go. Never Let Me Go, as science fiction usually attempts to explain cloning technology. Ishiguro said the cloning and harvesting organs took place in the novel without explaining how it works. This thesis uses qualitative research because the data are from quotes and several stories from the novel. The data is divided into two: primary data and secondary data. Primary data is taken from the novel Never Let Me Go. Reading and understanding the content of the novel Never Let Me Go is essential to find and collecting the needed data for the research. Secondary data is accepted from other textbooks, journal articles, and websites relevant to this research. As a result, it can be concluded that Ishiguro wrote Never Let Me Go, asking what makes them become an actual human. One of the things in this novel talks about if clones can create beautiful art. The one important thing is that human clones exist to show others that they have organs. Harvesting the human clone's vital organs is like killing farm animals like cows and pigs because the purpose of cows or pigs is to be killed.en_US
dc.publisherfakultas ilmu budayaen_US
dc.subjectHuman Cloningen_US
dc.subjectGenetic structuralismen_US
dc.titleDehumanized human cloning in Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Goen_US
dc.identifier.prodisastra inggrisen_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing1Dr. Eko Suwargono, M. Humen_US

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