Individual of Physical Disability , Health Sick Perception, Health Seeking Behavior
Number of domestic violence in Indonesia recently have enhancement. Based on data
victims of domestic violence in 2012 at Integrated Service Center of Jember,
Domestic Violence Victims who have psychological trauma due to violence are 23
people. The women psychological impact of victims violence up to now still doesn’t
have a limit time and can’t be determined how long the mental health will be recover
and therefore, it’s required the involvement of various parties especially family as
people who live together in their daily life. Family social support will have a positive
impact on mental health recovery and it can be motivation in someone life, especially
who has trauma and stress caused of violence. The objective of this study is to
analyze the social support to women victims of domestic violence. This research is a
descriptive study using qualitative methods. In-depth interviews conducted on 2 main
informants. Subject drawn from the target by using purposive sampling technique.
Depth interviews were conducted to get deeper information about the type of family
social support, including emotional support, informative support, instrumental
support appreciation. Based on the results of the study, family gives all kinds of
social support to victims of domestic violence, but giving information to victims of
domestic violence and how to handle it is still not good.
- UT-Faculty of Public Health [2275]