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dc.contributor.authorPUTRI, Ghea Sukma Jossi
dc.descriptionFinalisasi unggah file repositori tanggal 4 Desember 2023_Kurnadien_US
dc.description.abstractThe earth's temperature has been getting hotter since the Industrial Revolution resulting in climate change. Hotter temperatures, unpredictable weather, and rain patterns cause disasters that have the potential to damage the environment. Environmental degradation along with economic, social, and political pressures disrupts human survival. Drought, and sea level rise cause people to lose land and sources of income, and limited access to food sources and competition for access causes people to move to other areas to continue their lives. This displacement due to climate change is called climate change-induced migration or climate migration. Bangladesh is one of the countries with the highest number of migrants and the UK which is one of the popular migrant destinations, sees this wave as a security threat. Therefore, the UK is working with Bangladesh to tackle climate migration. Bangladesh, one of the countries vulnerable to climate change, is also open to the UK initiative. This is interesting to discuss in this article because the UK supports the Government of Bangladesh, a developing country and a former British colony, in addressing climate migration issues.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipDosen Pembimbing utama : Drs. Djoko Susilo, M.Si Dosen Pembimbing anggota : Adhiningasih Prabhawati, S.Sos., M.Sien_US
dc.publisherFakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politiken_US
dc.subjectMigrasi Iklamen_US
dc.subjectPerubahan Iklimen_US
dc.titleDukungan Inggris kepada Bangladesh dalam mengatasi Migrasi Iklimen_US
dc.identifier.prodiHubungan Internasionalen_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing1Drs. Djoko Susilo, M.Sien_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing2Adhiningasih Prabhawati, S.Sos., M.Sien_US

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