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dc.contributor.authorBAHARI, Aji Dharma
dc.description.abstractCurr The Regional Government of Situbondo Regency is currently pioneering the development of mangrove forest tourism, namely the Kampung Blekok ecotourism. Unfortunately, this development does not have a clear direction, because it is only half-assed. This caused problems at the beginning, that is a decline in the quality of the mangrove forest ecosystem (Budiarti, 2019). The potential of the Blekok Village mangrove forest should be optimized for the sustainable welfare of the community without causing damage. The area of this research is 22 Ha which is located in Blekok Village, Kendit District, Situbondo Regency, East Java. This study used the Ecotourism Landscape Planning and Design method by Gold (1980), which consisted of preparation, inventory, analysis, synthesis, development, and design. The results of the analysis obtained were a landscape plan that described activities, facilities, circulation paths, green planning, and the layout of infrastructure that supported ecotourism activities. The concept of direction for developing the mangrove ecotourism area of Kampung Blekok was obtained, namely "Nature tourism conservation area that is integrated with educational facilities and information and involves the active role of the local community". The direction of landscape development was based on the concept of sustainable natural tourism and had the following principles: (1) oriented to the interests of area conservation; (2) recreational value; (3) educational value; (4) providing benefits to local communities, managers, tourists and the government; and (5) increasing the participation of local communities.en_US
dc.publisherFAKULTAS TEKNIKen_US
dc.subjectEkowisata Mangroveen_US
dc.titleArahan Pengembangan Lanskap Kawasan Ekowisata Mangrove (Studi Kasus : Wisata Kampung Blekok, Kecamatan Kendit, Kabupaten Situbondo)en_US
dc.title.alternativeMangrove Ecotourism Area Landscape Development (Case Study: Blekok Village Tourism, Kendit District, Situbondo Regency)en_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing1Dr. Ir. RR. Dewi Junita Koesoemawati, S.T.,M.T.en_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing2Ir. Rindang Alfiah, S.T.,M.T.en_US

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