dc.description.abstract | Grade Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement
by Using Jigsaw IV Technique at SMPN 1 Rambipuji Jember; Agung Is
Hardiyana Febry, 080210401025; 2013:65 pages; English Language Education Study
Program of Language and Arts Education Department, The Faculty of Teacher
Training and Education, Jember University.
Jigsaw IV is one of the techniques in cooperative learning which becomes the
latest series in its development. Jigsaw IV, which was developed by Holliday, lets the
students to be more active and interactive by doing the tasks given by the teacher
together with their groups. This technique can be applied in a large class to solve the
students‟ problem in reading by grouping the students into small groups which
consist of 5-8 students for each. There are two kinds of group in Jigsaw IV activities,
Home and Expert Groups.
The research design was Classroom Action Research which was conducted to
improve the eighth A students‟ reading comprehension achievement by using Jigsaw
IV technique at SMPN 1 Rambipuji Jember in the 2011/2012 academic year. The
area of this research was SMPN 1 Rambipuji Jember. The respondents of this
research were class 8A students of SMPN 1 Rambipuji Jember in the 2011/2012
academic year. The research respondents were determined purposively based the
result of the previous reading test score got from the English teachers. The total
number of the respondents were 37 students from class 8A.
The data of this research were obtained from the students‟ scores of reading
comprehension test, interview, documentation and observation. The reading
comprehension test was administered at the end of cycle 1 and 2 to know the
students‟ improvement on their reading comprehension achievement. Based on the
results of reading comprehension test in Cycle 1 and 2, it showed that there was
improvement of the number of students who got scores more than 71. There were
48.64% of the class 8A students who achieved the standard score in Cycle 1 while in
Cycle 2, the number was improved to 78.37%. It indicated that the number of
students who achieved the standard score improved and reached the target percentage
of this research that was 75% of the total number of the class 8A students got more
than 71.
Based on the result of this research, the English teacher is suggested to use
and apply Jigsaw IV technique as an alternative way in solving his students‟ problems
in reading comprehension. It was proved that Jigsaw IV technique can make the
students easier in understanding and comprehending the material given by the teacher
and give more chances to the students to be more active by working with the other
team members to solve their problems. Besides, it is suggested to the students to use
Jigsaw IV as their new learning experience in improving their reading
comprehension. Moreover, it is suggested that the result of this research can be used
by the future researchers as a reference or information in conducting the same study
in the future research dealing with the application of Jigsaw IV technique in
improving the students‟ reading comprehension achievement with the same research
design at other schools, or to different level of students. | en_US |