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dc.description.abstractOne component that can support learning is teaching materials. Based on the results of the analysis during the learning process in grade 3 using mathematics textbooks, student books, and mathematics textbooks in the form of files, the books used have no material related to local wisdom. Ethnomathematics-based teaching materials contain geometry material contained in gamelan musical instruments to be used as teaching materials for grade 3 elementary school mathematics. The aim of the research is to describe the process and results of developing ethnomathematics-based teaching materials for gamelan musical instruments at the Bina Tari Bayu Kencana Studio to improve learning outcomes for geometry material in grade III students at SDN Kedungdalem 02 Probolinggo which are valid, effective, and practical. This study uses the Borg & Gall development model. Data collection instruments are interviews, learning achievement tests, questionnaires, and validation. Data analysis techniques are t-test analysis, validation test analysis, module effectiveness analysis, and student response questionnaire analysis. The validation results obtained a result of 91,5 with a very decent category. The effectiveness of teaching materials is known from the t-test by comparing ttable with tarithmetic. The calculation results show tcount = 5,529 and ttable = 2,005. The relative effectiveness of ethnomathematics-based teaching materials obtained a result of 66,78% in the high effectiveness category. The practicality of teaching materials is 95% in the very practical category. The conclusion from these acquisitions is that this ethnomathematics-based teaching material is valid, effective, and practical.en_US
dc.publisherFakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikanen_US
dc.titlePengembangan Modul Berbasis Etnomatematika pada Alat Musik Gamelan di Sanggar Bina Tari Bayu Kencana untuk Mengefektifkan Hasil Belajar Materi Geometri pada Siswa Kelas Iii di Sdn Kedungdalem 02 Probolinggoen_US
dc.identifier.prodiPendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasaren_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing1Prof. Dr. M. Sulthon Masyhud, M.Pd.en_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing2Dr. Ridho Alfarisi, S.Pd., M.Si.en_US
dc.identifier.finalizationFinalisasi tanggal 17 April 2023_M.Arif Tarchimansyahen_US

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