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dc.contributor.authorYUNIAR, Nur Santi
dc.description.abstractYukselir (2014) found that one of the most useful components as well as the basis and center for students to learn and get the latest information is reading. Risangsukmo (2015) emphasized that many students still have low reading skills; they cannot reach the expectations of the school and the 2013 curriculum. Low reading ability makes the students find it difficult to learn. Nuttal (1982) described 5 difficulties in reading comprehension for students such as determining the main idea, finding other supporting references, making inferences, finding detailed information, and understanding vocabulary. Thus, this research was to find out students’ difficulties in understanding English text at one of vocational schools in Bondowoso. The research design used was a survey design. The method used in this research was a descriptive quantitative, which was carried out at SMK Negeri 3 Bondowoso. Participants in this research were 187 tenth grade students of SMK Negeri 3 Bondowoso. The technique used to collect data was a questionnaire consisting of 20 questions in the form of close-ended questionnaire. The formula by Sudjono (2001) was used to calculate the data from the questionnaire. Furthermore, the data were summarized to find out the students’ difficulties faced in understanding English reading text from the most difficult to the easiest one. The results of this research on students’ difficulties in comprehending English text in order from the most difficult to the easiest were understanding vocabulary, making inferences, finding detailed information, determining the main idea and finding other supporting xiii references. Based on the results, understanding vocabulary was the most difficult aspect for students in comprehending English text at that school because 62% of students found it difficult in that aspect. The researcher expected this research to be useful for future researchers to find the best way for students to increase their vocabulary knowledge. Thus, they will be able to comprehend English text and will minimize the reading difficulties. The teachers are also expected to be able to teach students how to improve the reading skills, especially in the aspect of understanding vocabulary through teaching vocabulary explicitly or implicitly.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipDrs. I Putu Sukmaantara, M.Ed, Mutiara Bilqis, S.Pd., M.Pd.en_US
dc.publisherFakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikanen_US
dc.titleThe Vocational School Students’ Difficulties in Comprehending English Texten_US
dc.identifier.prodiBahasa Inggrisen_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing1Drs. I Putu Sukmaantara, M.Eden_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing2Mutiara Bilqis, S.Pd., M.Pden_US

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