Gambaran Tekanan Darah pada Kader Kesehatan di Desa Glagahwero Kecamatan Panti Kabupaten Jember
Cadres are volunteers whose job is to assist the community in developing the
community, recruited by the community, and for the community. The majority of
people in the sub-district of Panti work as farmers who have a lifestyle of
consuming coffee, consuming foods high in sodium and smoking. Therefore, cadres
still have the same problems related to blood pressure as the community and
knowledge related to blood pressure problems is also still lacking. This study aims
to determine the description of blood pressure in health cadres Glagahwero village,
Panti District, Jember. The research design that the researcher uses in conducting
this research is a quantitative descriptive research design with a cross sectional
approach. The number of cadres that the researchers made into the population in
the study was 44 health cadres. The characteristics of all respondents are women.
Most of them are over 40 years old. Most of the respondents' last education was
high school. The description of the respondent's blood pressure is mostly at optimal
blood pressure <120 / <80 mmHg as many 12 respondents (27.3%). There is a
relationship between age and blood pressure (p=0.002). There is no relationship
between the last education and blood pressure (p=0.144). Nurses are expected to
be able to provide information to overcome blood pressure problems in order to
help solve these problems in the community
- UT-Faculty of Nursing [1564]