Gambaran Aktivitas Jalan Kaki pada orang dewasa dengan Hipertensi di Puskesmas Kademangan Kabupaten Bondowoso
Walking is the easiest physical activity, cheap, safe and effective for maintaining
physical fitness and health and significantly lowering systolic and diastolic blood
pressure. This study was conducted to determine the activity of walking in adult
patients with hypertension at the Kademangan Health Center, Bondowoso
Regency. This research is a quantitative research with exploratory descriptive
research design through cross sectional method. The sampling technique used
was accidental sampling with a sample of 30 adult hypertensive patients. The
results of this study indicate that 27 respondents (90%) usually do walking
exercise and 3 respondents (10%) of them do not usually do walking exercise.
Walking regularly and in the right way can have a lowering effect on blood
pressure. The study can be used as a reference for nurses in carrying out nursing
treatments for people with hypertension as an alternative to medical measures to
lower blood pressure.
- UT-Faculty of Nursing [1531]