Hubungan Pengetahuan pada Masyarakat terhadap Tindakan Pencegahan Covid-19 di Dusun Krajan Kidul Desa Rojopolo Kecamatan Jatiroto Kabupaten Lumajang
Coronavirus disease that is being the world serious problem with the total case
that has elevating everyday. The people knowledge about Covid 19 is prominent
aspect in pandemic times as nowdays, the good behaviour can be a preventive
measure in Covid-19 prevention transmission. The aim of this research is
finding the relationship between knowledge level towards the covid prevention.
This research include quantitative research with applying the research design,
analytic observational using the cross sectional approach. Researchers collected
data using an instrument in google form of a questionnaire covering respondent
characteristics, knowledge and Covid-19 prevention. This research questionnaire
was adapted from M Thagrir's questionnaire on the level of knowledge and
prevention Covid-19. This research is held in Dusun Krajan, Rojopolo village,
Jatiroto district, Lumajang region. The research time needed in about 4 weeks,
start in 27 March – 27 April 2021 by involving the people. In total respondent of
289 with consecutive sampling methode.Covid prevention level with a good result
with 245 respondent (84,8%). The bivariate result with spearman correlation
test,in relation knowledge test with Covid – 19 prevention that value is 0,586 dan
p value <0,000. This shiwed that there is correlation between knowledge level
with Covid- 19 prevention. Respondents have a good level of knowledge and
behavior in preventing COVID-19. There needs to be awareness from the public
to comply with health protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, the
role of health workers in socialization and monitoring in the community is
important in preventing Covid-19.
- UT-Faculty of Nursing [1531]