Profil Kemampuan Siswa Kelas VII MTSN 9 Jember Dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Cerita Bangun Datar Berdasarkan Level Berpikir Geometri Van Hiele
This research was conducted to determine the ability profile of grade VII students of MTsN 9
Jember in solving story problems based on van Hiele's level of geometric thinking. The data
collection method used is the test method and the interview method. The triangulation used is
the triangulation method, which is to compare the results of the interview with the test results of
story questions based on van Hiele's level of geometric thinking. The van Hiele leveling test
results from 26 students obtained 13 students are at level 0 (visualization), 2 students are at
level 1 (analysis), 2 students are at levels between 0-1, 1 student is at level 2 (informal
deduction) , while the remaining 8 students are still in the previsualization stage. Because the
results of the study did not have students who were able to level 3 (deduction) and level 4
(rigor), it was replaced with 2 students from levels between 0-1. Meanwhile, students who are
still in the previsualization stage are not used as research subjects. Based on the results of the
ability to solve story questions based on van Hiele's geometric thinking level and interviews that
have been conducted, it has shown appropriate results between van Hiele's geometric thinking
level indicators and students' thinking levels, but for students with levels between 0-1 it is more
visible at the level of analysis when solving problems that are categorized as easy and