Persepsi Keluarga Pasien di Rumah Sakit Tingkat III Baladhika Husada Jember
Caring behavior is a different feature of nursing and it is the patient's
perception of the caring behavior of the nurse that can have a significant impact
on patient outcomes and patient satisfaction. This study aims to determine how
the caring behavior of nurses according to the patient's family perception. This
study uses a Caring Behavior Assessment (CBA) questionnaire with 45 items
based on 10 carative factors of caring: Humanistic and altruistic, Instilling faith
& hope, sensitivity, helping-trusting, positive/negative feelings, creative problem
solving, teaching/learning, supportive/protective /corrective environment, human
needs assist, existential/phenomenological/spiritual force. This study was
conducted on the patient's family at Level III Hospital Baladhika Husada Jember.
The questionnaire was given to 100 patients' families, of which only 68
questionnaires was obtained. Analysis of the nurse caring behavior variable
according to the patient's family perception showed that the proportion of nurses
who get sufficient and high caring values, that is 57.4% of respondents had
sufficient caring perception and 42.6% of respondents have a high caring
perception. The results of this study indicate that respondents have sufficient
perceptions of the caring behavior of nurses at Level III Hospital Baladhika
Husada Jember. This showed that the nurse's caring behavior overall was good
due to the awareness of nurses to apply caring behavior in the nursing care
provided to patients and visible when the data retrieval to the respondent looks
respondents gave good and positive responses to nurse.
- UT-Faculty of Nursing [1531]