Gambaran Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Klinik pada Mahasiswa Profesi Ners Selama Masa Pandemi Covid-19
The clinical learning method is a mechanism or method applied by clinical
supervisors while assisting students in carrying out clinical practice. The selection
of clinical learning methods must pay attention to several conditions in order to
effectively, one of which is that the method applied must adapt to the conditions and
limitations in the practice area. The pandemic Covid-19 conditions forced clinical
learning to be carried out online or through distance learning. This will certainly
affect the clinical learning method that will be applied by the clinical supervisor.
The purpose of this study was to describe the application of clinical learning
methods to nursing professional students during the Covid-19 pandemic. The
study’s research design was descriptive and involved 202 nursing students
consisting of 27th and 28th class faculty of nursing, University of Jember. Total
sampling technique was used in this study. The result showed students had obtained
the application of learning methods that support the observation method by 56.4%,
demonstration method 57.4%, bedside teaching method 58.4%, preceptorship
method 51%, assignment/experential method 73.3%, conference method 51%,
nursing clinic method 51%, and nursing care study method 70.8%. However, the
result of this study was still not optimal, which meant that the application of
supportive clinical learning methods needed to be further improved, so that the
clinical learning methods applied to students could be effective and maximal.
- UT-Faculty of Nursing [1531]