Analisis Tegangan Pada Sambungan Provision Crane Kapal Hector 888 K.17091
The Hector 888 ship is a type of tugboat that is used to pull or push other ships that will enter the port and to carry goods. The process of loading and unloading goods that occur at the pier requires a crane to help transport or move goods. Cranes use welded joints to connect each part of the structure. The method used in this research is static structural with ANSYS workbench. This study seeks to obtain the value of the stress that occurs in welded joints with the shape of the H-Beam section and the pipe cross-section. The purpose of this study is to determine the amount of stress that occurs in the provision crane so that it can determine the potential failure that occurs. The load that occurs on the provision crane with a pipe cross section of A100 SCH 80 using von-mises can be found to be 81,272 MPa on the simulation results using ANSYS R18.1 software and has a value of 56.391 MPa on the results of mathematical calculations using the von-mises. The loading that occurs in the H-beam SS400 using von-mises can be found to be 94,378 MPa on the simulation results and has a value of 68,685 MPa on the results of mathematical calculations using the von Mises. Stress von-mises connection boom arm with the boom arm is 81,079 MPa. Sectional welding connection H-Beam stress concentration occurs at the hinge with a von-mises stress of 64,226 MPa.
- UT-Faculty of Engineering [4162]