Analisis Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Siswa dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Open-Ended Bangun Ruang Sisi Lengkung Berdasarkan Level Van Hiele
This study aims to describe student’s creative thinking skills in solving open-ended
questions on curved side spaces based on van Hiele levels. This research is a
descriptive study using a qualitative approach. Data collection methods in this
research are test and interview methods. The subjects in this study consisted of 6
students. The subject was obtained through a test of the ability to think geometrically
based on the van Hiele level. The subject was given an open-ended test followed by
an interview and then analyzed with his creative thinking ability.The triangulation
used in this research is method triangulation. The results showed that research
subjects who were at the same level did not necessarily have the same creative
thinking abilities. Students at the visualization level, the first subject only met the
flexibility aspect, while the second subject did not meet any of the creative thinking
aspects. Students at the analytical level meet the aspects of fluency and flexibility.
Students at the informal deduction level, the first subject meets the fluency,
flexibility, and originality aspects, while the second subject only meets the fluency
originality aspects.