Enhancing the Students’ Listening Comprehension Through Authentic Materials at SMAN 1 Pakusari Jember
The aim of this research was to enhance the students’ listening
comprehension through authentic materials. Based on the researcher’s personal
observation, there are still many teachers at SMA who implement the conventional
materials for teaching and learning process. The researcher found out that
conventional materials success was low. Then, to enhance the success of teaching
and learning process, especially on Listening Skill, the researcher tried to use real
context that students can relate in their lives, that is, through autentic materials.
According to O‘Malley, et al (1989 as cited in Gilakjani & Ahmadi, 2011)
listening comprehension is an active process in which the listener constructs
meaning by using cues from contextual information and from existing knowledge.
In addition, Howatt and Dakin in Saricoban (2006) state that listening skill refers
to someone’s capability to recognize and to master what other people are saying or
said. Based on the experts’ ideas, it can be concluded that listening skill refers to an
activity in listening to oral symbols done intentionally, with concentration and
comprehension, appreciation, and interpretation to get certain message,
information, and understanding the communication delivered, and being able to
give responses containing in the oral symbols being heard. Listening consists of
auditory discrimination, aural grammar, choosing necessary information,
remembering it, and connecting it to the process between sound and form of
meaning (Morley, 1972 as cited in Pourhosein Gilakjani & Sabouri, 2016). There
are some slightly different definitions of authentic materials found in literature.
Rogers and Medledy (1998) have defined authentic materials as exposure to real
language in its own community. Authentic materials can reinforce the direct
relationship between the language classroom and the outside world for students; for
example, when lessons are centered on comprehending a menu or a TV weather report, students tend to focus more on content and meaning rather than on the
language itself.
The design of this research was a classroom action research (CAR) because
this research was intended to enhance the XI grade students’ listening
Comprehension participation and achievement through authentic materials at
SMAN 1 Pakusari Jember in 2020/2021 Academic Year. There were four stages of
activities that were done in the procedure of this classroom actin research. They
were: a) planning the action, b) implementing the action, c) observing and
evaluating, and d) analyzing data and reflecting the action (Elliot, 1993). Frankel
and Wallen (2012:10) state that purposive method is intended to choose a research
site based on a certain purpose or reason. Therefore, this classroom action research
was conducted at SMAN1 Pakusari, Jember which is located at Jalan PB Sudirman
no 120 Pakusari. The school has 814 students and 46 teachers. The total number of
the XI grade students is 264 with 25 teachers teaching the XI grade students. SMAN
1 Pakusari, Jember has implemented the 2013 Curriculum for English and the other
subjects since 2016. The participant of this study was the XI grade students of
SMAN1 Pakusari, Jember in 2020/2021. There were 8 classes for the XI grade,
consisting of XI IPA 1, XI IPA 2, XI IPA 3, XI IPA 4, XI IPA 5 and XI IPS 1, XI
IPS 2, XI IPS 3. Among the existing classes, the researcher determined one class
purposively by selecting the one which had the lowest mean score for Listening
Based on the results of implementation of Cycle 1, it could be concluded
that teaching listening by using podcast audio taken from TED Talk as the authentic
materials at XI Science 4 students of SMAN 1 Pakusari enhanced the students’
active participation and their listening comprehension achievement. The result of
the improvement in Cycle 1 showed the students’ active participation was 5% and
81% of 33 students got ≥70 on listening comprehension test. The criterion of
success of this research was that at least 75% of the students got score ≥70. It means
that the action in Cycle1 was successful and students’ active participation in Cycle
1 achieved the criteria of success because there was any improvement in percentage
of the students’ active participation Based on the result of the data analysis and discussion, it can be concluded
that: 1) The use of authentic materials taken from TED Talk could enhance the
eleventh Science 4 students’ participation at SMAN 1 Pakusari. The result of the
observation showed that the students’ participation improved 5% from 45% in
meeting 1 to 55% in meeting. 2) TED Talk as the authentic material could enhance
the students’ listening comprehension achievement at SMAN 1 Pakusari. The result
of the listening comprehension achievement showed that the mean score of
students’ listening comprehension test was 77,72. There were 27 (81%) out of 33
students who got score ≥70. It means that the action in cycle 1 achieved the target
criteria as it was expected in this research that at least 75% of the students could get
the score at least 70.