Evaluasi Pengetahuan dan Perilaku "Tanya Lima O" Pada Mahasiswa Kesehatan dan Nonkesehatan di Universitas Jember
The problems that are not rational use of drugs to the population still dominated and got the attention by the Indonesian Ministry of Health, like the use of a drug free and above that are not exactly, limited as well prescription drugs without a clear indication, the determination of, dose the way, and long usage that is not exactly. Communities are understand how the use of drugs with right. Therefore to provide understanding about the medicine properly, the government implemented Smart Community Movement Using Drugs (Gema Cermat) in which there is one of the material "Ask Five O". This research aims to know the difference of knowledge an behavior "ask five O" a health and non-health students at University of Jember. This research method is a non-experimental study with a cross-sectional design. Data collection was carried out online using Google For, distributed via WhatsApp and social media with a total of 378 respondents. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The result showed tha 136 respondents (36%) han never heard of Gema Cermat and 208 respondents (55%) had never heard of "Ask Five O". A total of 160 respondents (17,8%) of health students asked pharmacists about the drugs they received and 96 respondents (10,7%) of non-health students asked doctors about the drugs they received. Comparison of student knowledge and behavior was analyzed using the Mann-Whitney test. Based on the results of the analysis as many 79,1% of students have good knowledge with a significance value of 0,000 which means that there is a difference in knowledge between health and non-health students. As many as 55,8% of students have good behavior with a significance value of 0,005 where there are differences in behavior between health and non-health students. However, students knowledge of the "ask five O" didn't affect the level of students behavior regarding the "ask five O".
- UT-Faculty of Pharmacy [1490]