Enhancing the Tenth Grade Students’ Active Participation and Reading Comprehension Achievement by Using Know, Want to Know, and Learned (Kwl) Strategy
This classroom action research was intended to enhance the tenth grade
students’ participation and reading comprehension achievement by using KWL
Strategy. Based on the preliminary study conducted by the researcher in the form
of interview with the English teacher at SMAN Tamanan, Bondowoso. The result
was that the X IPA 2 students had difficulty in reading comprehension since their
reading scores were mostly below the standard minimum score, that is, below 73.
The students experience difficulties by using traditional method in reading. They
just read the text and did exercise without comprehending the text. As the result,
the students could not get the deep information from the text. The students were not
confident and afraid of asking things that they did not understand to the teacher.
It could be concluded that students had problems dealing with their reading
comprehension. Students can only read and translate the text. From the preliminary
study, it was found that there were no students who achieved the standard minimum
scores. The average score of the students was 68. Thus, the researcher tried to solve
the students’ problem in reading comprehension by using KWL Strategy. This
strategy is one of reading strategies that can be used to help the students activate
their background knowledge and help them to understand the text better.
The data of this research were collected from interview, reading test,
observation, and documentation. The participants were the X IPA 2 students of
SMAN Tamanan, Bondowoso, consisting of 31 students. The researcher chose the
X IPA 2 students as participants because of the consideration that X IPA 2 students
have the lowest mean score of reading comprehension and have difficulties in
comprehending the text. Besides, X IPA 2 students had lack of confidence so they
were not active during the teaching and learning process of reading. This research
was done in two cycles in which each cycle covered four stages covering, planning,
acting, analyzing, and reflecting.
Based on the result of students’ participation, it was found that the students’
participation improved. It can be seen from the data before the action, the
percentage of the students who were active was 22.5%. After the action in Cycle 1,
the percentage of the students who were active increased to 75.5% while in Cycle
2 was 87%. The result of the students’ active participation was successful because
there were more than 75% of the students who were active in teaching and learning
process. Further, the result of students’ reading comprehension achievement
improved Cycle 1 and Cycle 2. It was found that the students mean score of reading comprehension test improved from 68 in the previous reading score to 76,1 in Cycle
1 and 80,1 in Cycle 2. Moreover, the percentage of the students who got score at
least 73 improved from 0% in the previous reading score to 76% in Cycle 1 and
88% in Cycle 2. In conclusion, reading comprehension test result had achieved the
target criteria expected in this research that was at least 75% of the students
achieved the standard minimum requirement score that is 73.
The result of this research leads to a conclusion that KWL strategy could
help the X IPA 2 students of SMAN Tamanan, Bondowoso to enhance their active
participation and reading comprehension achievement.