The Effect Of Applying Group Investigation Method On Vocational High School Students’ Reading Comprehension
This research was conducted to investigate the effect of applying
GImethod on students’ reading comprehension at SMK Negeri 1 Jember in the
2018/2019 academic year. The area of the research was SMK Negeri 1 Jember.
The research participants were determined by using cluster random sampling
based on the result of homogeneity test to three classes (XI PM1, PM 2, and PM
3) of the eleventh grade with the materials of reading comprehension.From the
calculation of ANOVA, the result showed that the population was homogenous.
Therefore, the researchertook two classes by lottery as the experimental and
control groups. The two classes were XI PM 1 as the experimental group and XI
PM 3 as the control group.
The design of this research was a quasi-experimental research with
posttest only design. The design was based on the score of post-test only which
was conducted after the experimental treatment had been applied. This design
involved two groups which received different instructional treatment. The
experimental group was taught reading comprehension by using GI. On the other
hand, the control group was taught reading comprehension by applying Scientific
Approach (SA) which has been used to teach reading comprehension at the
school. The post-test was given to both two groups after receiving the teaching
learning process twice. The result of Independent Sample T-test in the SPSS
showed that the value of significant column Levene’s test (2-tailed) was 0,029 and
it was lower than 0,05. Then, it could be concluded that the null hypothesis (H0)
was rejected while the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. It indicated that
there was a significant effect of applying GI on the students’ reading
comprehension achievement. Considering the findings of the research, it is
suggested that GI can be used as a consideration to help students in understanding
reading comprehension text.