Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Utilization of Biotechnology for Food Based on Health Principles
(International Journal of Creative Research and Studies, Volume-4 Issue-3, March 2020, 2020-03-01)
The main background of this research is the discovery of health risks from the use of biotechnology for food.
Based on this background, the study aims to find out whether the use of biotechnology for food has been
carried ...
HUKUM PERLINDUNGAN KONSUMEN (Quo Vadis Perlindungan Konsumen Pangan Rekayasa Genetika)
Setiap orang adalah konsumen. Tidak akan ada seorangpun dapat memenuhi semua kebutuhan hidupnya dari hasil kerjanya sendiri. Belum termasuk jumlah kebutuhan dasarnya saja seperti sandang (Pakaian), pangan, dan papan (tempat ...
Legal Protection for Soybean Farmers in Cooperation Based on the Muzara'ah Akad with the Murabahah System
(SASI, 2022-05-16)
Introduction: During the pandemic Covid-19, the global soybean market experienced a shock which resulted in the availability of imported soybeans in several countries decreasing and soybean prices increasing. This also has ...
Legal Protection Towards Trade Secret Ownership and Brands of Salted Fish Production
(International Journal of Creative Research and Studies, Volume-4 Issue-11, November 2020, 2020-11-01)
This research is motivated by the unregistered trade secret and brand of Desa Jangkar salted fish, which
allows these trade secrets and brands to be stolen, imitated, and claimed by others. This will undoubtedly be
detrimental ...
Prospects for Application of the Precautionary Principle in Utilization Agricultural Biotechnology
(International Journal of Creative Research and Studies Volume-5 Issue-3, March 2021, 2021-03-01)
The use of agricultural biotechnology provides an increased hunger for agricultural production and better
processing of agricultural products. Increasing the capacity of agricultural products and processing includes
plant ...
The Development of International Law on Agricultural Biotechnology
(Jurnal Kertha Patrika, 2022-08-30)
Agricultural biotechnology legislation is not based on globally agreed international legal principles for the protection of public health and the environment from the risks of using agricultural biotechnology. The renewal ...