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Title: The Influence of Organizational Culture and Work Discipline on Motivation and Performance of Banking Employees
Authors: Dimulyo, Ultafakoh Paranitha
Sularso, Raden Andi
Handriyono, Handriyono
Keywords: organizational culture
Work Discipline
Employee Performance
Banking Employees
Issue Date: 6-Feb-2019
Abstract: This research was conducted on banking employees, and aimed at namely; 1) Analyzing the influence of organizational culture and work discipline on employee motivation and performance; 2) Analyzing the influence of motivation on employee performance. The method of determining respondents is using purposive sampling and a total of 115 employees banking. Data collection uses questionnaire with liqueur measurement. Data analysis uses path analysis. The results of the study are; 1) Organizational culture has a significant effect on the work motivation of employees of Bank Jatim Banyuwangi Branch. Organizational culture that has become a positive behavior of employees in working will increase work motivation; 2) Work discipline has a significant effect on the work motivation of employees of Bank Jatim Banyuwangi Branch. Work discipline that becomes a guideline and has been embedded in its employees will increase work motivation; 3) Organizational culture has a significant effect on the performance of employees of Bank Jatim Banyuwangi Branch. Organizational culture that has become the basis for behavior and development in the organization will improve employee performance; 4) Work discipline has a significant effect on the performance of employees of Bank Jatim Banyuwangi Branch. Work discipline that has become the basis of employees in working will improve employee performance; 5) Work motivation has a significant effect on the performance of employees of Bank Jatim Banyuwangi Branch. Work motivation that has become a strong impetus for employees to work will improve employee performance.
Description: International Journal of Economics & Business, Volume 1, Issue 1, page 29 - 38
ISSN: 2717-3151
Appears in Collections:LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen

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