Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 7354
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2024-12-08 | Penanganan Anak Berkomflik Dengan Hukum Di Pokmas LIPAS Nurul Huda Dalam Perspektif Pekerja Sosial | NUFUS, Belgis Hayyinatun |
2024-12-17 | Optimalisasi Potensi UMK Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Usaha Melalui Legalisasi, Branding, Dan Pemasaran Digital Di Desa Tegalciut | SARI, Tarisa Rizki Permata; PASCAL, Muhammad Farhan Abi; JONATAN, Firjon; ALIFATUZZHAHIRAH, Monic; AMROR, Alreza Ma’rifatul; MIFTAKH, Diana Nur; ZUHROIDAH, Ida |
2024-12-17 | UNEJ KKN Program “Boost Kopi”: Branding Optimization For Sawaran Lor Coffee To Enhance Farmers Economy | ZUHROIDAH, Ida; ALJAWAHIR, Fitri; SYAHRANI, Adelia Nabila; TAMAM, Farhan Badrut; WANDA, Ira Purba; M. KHOIRUDDIN, M. Khoiruddin; WIGUNA, Nugraha Marga |
2024-12-05 | Enhancing Early Childhood Health Through Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (PHBS) Education Using the Drill Method In The Rubiq Program | WIBOWO, Kemal Al Varazy; ZUHROIDAH, Ida; NURHADI, Icha Raisa; PRASANJAYA, Galang |
2024-11-02 | Antenatal Care (ANC) as an Early Health Detection Program for Pregnant Women | PUSPITASARI, R.A. Helda; NASTITI, Ayu Dewi; HANDAYANI, Dwining |
2024-12-05 | The UNEJ KKN Program 'Smart Kids' Local Food Innovation In Stunting Mitigation Through Moringa And Soybean Husk (Glycine Max) Products | ZUHROIDAH, Ida; ALIA, Siti Wardatul; KHAIRUNNISA, Khairunnisa; SALSABILA, Azizah Nasywa; SAKANTI, Hira Putri; RAHMAWATI, Nisa Aulia; SYAHPUTRA, MOH. Aqmal |
2024-12-01 | Penguatan Keterampilan Kader Posyandu Dalam Optimalisasi Tumbuh Kembang Balita Melalui APE (Alat Permainan Edukatif) | HANDAYANI, Dwining; KUSUMA, Erik; PUSPITASARI, , R.A. Helda; NASTITI, Ayu Dewi |
2024-10-24 | The Effectiveness of The Culture-Based Anti-Stunting Education Package on Family Behavioral Changes in Stunting Prevention | HANDAYANI, Dwining; KUSUMA, Erik; NASTITI, Ayu Dewi; PUSPITASARI, R.A. Helda |
2024-11-29 | Mitigasi Kesehatan Anak: Optimalisasi Air Bersih,Sanitasi,Nutrisi Mewujudkan Generasi Tangguh Bebas Stunting | PUSPITASARI, R.A. Helda; NASTITI, Ayu Dewi; HANDAYANI, Dwining; KUSUMA, Erik |
2024-11-29 | Mitigasi Kesehatan Anak: Optimalisasi Air Bersih,Sanitasi,Nutrisi Mewujudkan Generasi Tangguh Bebas Stunting | PUSPITASARI, R.A. Helda; NASTITI, Ayu Dewi; HANDAYANI, Dwining; KUSUMA, Erik |
2024-12-14 | Membangun Kesadaran “Stop Bullying” Pada Siswa Melalui Sosialisasi Program “Rubiq” di SDN Tegalciut | SETYONINGRUM, Desty; HIMMAH, Naiza Faiqotul; PATRIA, Obet Wahyu; ZUHROIDAH, Ida |
2025-02-01 | Penerapan Metode Tradisional Purifikasi Untuk Mengantisipasi Terjadinya Gangguan Kesehatan Akibat Penurunan Kualitas Air Permukaan Tanah di Desa Mojoparon Kecamatan Rembang Kabupaten Pasuruan | TOHA, Mukhammad; MOKH. SUJARWADI, Mokh. Sujarwadi; ZUHROIDAH, Ida; ASMANINGRUM, Nurfika |
2024-11-26 | The Effect Of Health Education Using Direct Demonstration Method On Compliance In The Use Of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) In Sugar Cane Farmers Group In Desa Banyuputih Kidul , Kecamatan Jatiroto, Kabupaten Lumajang | HUDA, Nuril; ABIDIN, Zainal; RO’ISAH, Ro’isah |
2024-11-26 | Relationship Between Response Time Level of Patient Handling With Patient Satisfaction Level in Emergency of Klakah Lumajang Community Health Center | TOMOI, Tomoi; RO’ISAH, Ro’isah; ABIDIN, Zainal |
2024-11-26 | Relationship Between Early Detection of Signs and Symptoms Of Hypoglycemia With Hypoglycemia Prevention Behavior in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus Type II at Yosowilangun Community Health Center | FEBRIANTI, Ainin Nurohmah; ABIDIN, Zainal; YUNITA, Rizka |
2024-11-19 | Effectiveness of Double Lumen Catheter Wound Care Using 0.9% Nacl, 7.5% Chlorhexidine, 15% Cetrimide on Double Lumen Catheter Infection in Regular Hemodialysis Patients | ANDITA, Heru Firman; ABIDIN, Zainal; HAMIM, Nur |
2024-11-06 | Relationship Between Treatment Compliance Level and Vision Value In Post-phacomulsification Cataract Surgery Patients at Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Lumajang | YULIAWARDANI, Prahesty; ABIDIN, Zainal; KUSYAIRI, Achmad |
2024-11-26 | The Effect Of Health Education Using Direct Demonstration Method On Compliance In The Use Of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) In Sugar Cane Farmers Group In Desa Banyuputih Kidul , Kecamatan Jatiroto, Kabupaten Lumajang | HUDA, Nuril; ABIDIN, Zainal; RO’ISAH, Ro’isah |
2024-12-01 | Innovation of Moringa Based Food Processing as An Effort to Prevent Stunting | MUSVIRO; HAYATI, Nurul; WAHYUNINGHSIH, Sri |
2024-11-26 | The Effect of Health Counseling on Self-Management and Blood Pressure Stability In Hypertension Patients at the Klinik Ronaa Husada | AYUNI, Oi Qurota; ABIDIN, Zainal; KUSYAIRI, Achmad |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 7354