LSP-Conference Proceeding : [1874] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 601 to 620 of 1874
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020-11-24Effectiveness of Range of Motion to Increase Joint Motion Range in Stroke PatientsSUSTIKA, Aninda Maris; MAISYAROH, Arista; WIDIANTO, Eko Prasetya; AZIZAH, Laili Nur
2020-11-24Farmers Ability to Report Daily Emergency In Agriculture AreaFEBRIANSARI, Rizeki Dwi; MAISYAROH, Arista; WIDIANTO, Eko Prasetya
2020-09-12Fungal Keratitis with Corneal Ulcer in FarmerCAHYANA, Nugraha Wahyu
2019-10-27Studi Kasus Ibu Post Vakum Ekstraksi Dengan Nyeri Akut Luka Jahit PerineumWAHYUNINGSIH, Sri; DAMAYANTI, Diyah Ika
2020-06-06Kehadiran Negara dalam Menghadapi Covid-19MULYONO, Eddy
2009-11-07Rethinking of Risk Transfer Management Approach to Support The Savety Food in IndonesiaWARDHONO, Adhitya; RONDHI, Muhammad
2020-07-20Subject-independent Classification on Brain-Computer Interface using Autonomous Deep Learning for Finger Movement RecognitionANAM, Khairul; BUKHORI, Saiful; HANGGARA, Faruq Sandi; PRATAMA, Mahardhika
2013-11-02Movement Effects of Portfolio Investment against Real Effective Exchange Rate Stability in ASEANWARDHONO, Adhitya; NASIR, M. Abdul; QORI'AH, Ciplis Gema; SARWEDI, Sarwedi
2013-11-02ASEAN Economic and Monetary Integration: The Feasibility of The Optimum Currency AreaQORI'AH, Ciplis Gema; WARDHONO, Adhitya; LESTARI, Sofia Anggraeni; INDRAWATI, Yulia
2015-08-03Estimated New Keynesian Phillips Curves (NKPC) Model in Dynamic Inflation Based on Panel Data Perspective in ASEANWARDHONO, Adhitya; NASIR, M. Abd.; QORI'AH, Ciplis Gema; INDRAWATI, Yulia
2015-08-03Determinant of Cigarettes Consumption on Poor Households in Regency of Situbondo, IndonesiaKHAIR, Kifayatul; WARDHONO, Adhitya; YULIATI, Lilis; GUPRON, Mochammad Ridwan
2015-11-13Kegoyangan Gigi dan Nyeri Gigi Geligi Sebagai Indikator Distres Kerja pada Rongga Mulut (Tooth Mobility and Pain as Indicators of Work-related Distress in Oral Cavity)HAMZAH, Zahreni
2020-06-01Dental and Oral Health Profile of Elderly People in Various Geographic Areas in Jember Regency, IndonesiaHAMZAH, Zahreni; HANDAYANI, Ari Tri Wanodyo; MEILAWATY, Zahara; SHITA, Amandia Dewi Permana; INDRIANA, Tecky
2020-11-03Compressive Strength of Geopolymer Concrete with Fly-Ash from Paiton Steam Power Plant and Variations of Substitution Sodium Silicate (Na2SiO3) with Natural ZeoliteAMINI, Iqlima Nuril; KRISNAMURTI, Krisnamurti; WAHYUNINGTYAS, Winda Tri
2020-06-02The Students’ Prior Knowledge at The Department of History Education within Tertiary EducationPUJI, Rully Putri Nirmala; WATHON, Syubbanul; ZULIANTO, Mukhamad; SURYA, Riza Afita; KURNIANTO, Fahmi Arif
2020-06-02The Strategy of Product Diversification on SMEs Brass Craft in Cindogo Village BondowosoMASRURO, Dewi; WAHYUNI, Sri; WIDODO, Joko; SUKIDIN, Sukidin; ZULIANTO, Mukhamad
2019-04-09The Influence of Interaction Aptitude-Treatment (ATI) Learning Models in Improving the Geography Learning Achievement of Class XI Students in Senior High School PGRI LumajangAPRIYANTO, Bejo; IKHSAN, Fahrudi Ahwan; NURDIN, Elan Artono; KURNIANTO, Fahmi Arif; PUJI, Rully Putri Nirmala; ZULIANTO, Mukhamad
2019-04-09The Analysis of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Development Through External Facilitation and Internal Potential on Former Workers of Sigaret Kretek Tangan (SKT) PT. HM Sampoerna JemberWIDODO, Joko; WAHYUNI, Sri; ZULIANTO, Mukhamad; ISLAMI, Novita Nurul
2020-06-02The Analysis of e-Commerce Utilization in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) at JemberWAHYUNI, Sri; WIDODO, Joko; ZULIANTO, Mukhamad; ISLAMI, Novita Nurul
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 601 to 620 of 1874