LSP-Conference Proceeding : [1874] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 1874
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2025-05-12Neural Network Harmonic Filter for Microgrid SystemSYAI'IN, Mat; SETIAWAN, Dedy Kurniawan; HATTA, Agus Muhammad; FARIDA, Yuniar
2023-01-04Transformative Learning Patterns Based on Non-Formal Education in Marginal Communities in Bondowoso DistrictIMSIYAH, Niswatul; SUPRIYONO, Supriyono; HARDIKA, Hardika; WAHYUNI, Sri; ALKORNIA, Sylva
2019-09-18Analysis Of Family Empowerment Based Agriculture In Increasing Family Economy And Child GrowthALKORNIA, Sylva; IMSIYAH, Niswatul; FAJARWATI, Linda
2018-03-17Persepsi Orang Tua Mengenai Pelaksanaan Pendidikan Kesehatan Reproduksi untuk Anak Usia DiniALKORNIA, Sylva
2021-10-22Sistem Monitoring Produksi Gas Hidrogen dengan Elektrolisis Air menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Berbasis AndroidCAHYADI, Widya; UTOMO, Satriyo Budi; KUSWANTO, Kevin
2012-11-14Iron Corrosion-Resistance in Lead-Bismuth Eutectic Coolant by Molecular Dynamics MethodARKUNDATO, Artoto; SUUD, Zaki; ABDULLAH, Mikrajuddin; WIDAYANI, Sutrisno; CELINO, Massimo
2022-09Preliminary Study of 300 MWth Pressurized Water Reactor with Carbide Fuel with Addition Neptunium 237 Using Srac-Corebn CodeSARI, Arindi Kumala; SYARIFAH, Ratna Dewi; ARKUNDATO, Artoto
2022-03-30Lennar-Jones and Morse Potentional Comparison for Studying The Liquid Lead CorrosionKARIMAH, Hildayatul; ARKUNDATO, Artoto; SYARIFAH, Ratna Dewi; RIVAI, Abu Khalid; MONADO, Fiber
2022-09-20Neutron FLux Distribution of Slab Reactor Core using One-Dimensional Multi-Group Diffusion Multi-Group Diffusion Equation inthe Thermal Energy RegionSHAFII, Mohammad Ali; ZAKIYA, Imra; FITRIYANI, Dian; ARKUNDATO, Artoto; ABDULLAH, Ade Gafar
2022-09-20Synthesis and Characterization of Nylon/TiO2 Hybrid Membrane for Improving the Electrical Conductivity and Activation EnergyMAULINA, Wenny; MUMTAHANA, Laily; ROHMAH, Nurul Octavia Hijriyatur; ROHMAN, Lutfi; ARKUNDATO, Artoto
2017-02-28Safety Analysis of Pb-208 Cooled 800 MWt Modified CANDLE ReactorsSU'UD, Zaki; WIDIAWATI, Nina; SEKIMOTO, H.; A, Artoto
2019-05-03Temperature dependence diffusion coefficients of iron, boron and iron-boron calculated by molecular dynamics methodARKUNDATO, Artoto; HASAN, Moh.; PURWANDARI, Endhah; PRAMUTADI, A.; AZIZ, F
2020-12-09Mechanical Properties of Fe, Ni and Fe-Ni Alloy: Strength and Stiffness of Materials Using Lammps Molecular Dynamics SimulationMAULANA, Arief; ARKUNDATO, Artoto; SUTISNA, Sutisna; TRILAKSANA, Herri
2016-10-27Effect of Temperature on the Corrosion Inhibition of Iron in Liquid Lead Using Oxygen Inhibitor: Studied by MD SimulationARKUNDATO, Artoto; MONADO, Fiber; SU'UD, Zaki
2022-09-20The Target of SARS-CoV-2: Analysis of N3 Ligand Binding Energy vs. Natural Compounds (Curcumin) using Molecular Dynamics of Force Fields CHARMMHIDAYAT, Riyan; ROHMAN, Lutfi; ARKUNDATO, Artoto
2023-01-31Thermodynamics and Structural Properties of Ti3 SiC2 in Liquid Lead CoolantARKUNDATO, Artoto; HASAN, Moh; PRAMUTADI, Asril; RIVAI, Abu K.; SU'UD, Zaki
2022-11-14Dimer-hydrogen adsorption process on borophene β12 surfaces for hydrogen storage applicationSADILI, Anwar Husen; QOTRUNNADA, Silvia Aprilia; ARKUNDATO, Artoto; NUGROHO, Agung Tjahjo; SULISTIYO, Yudi Aris; HANNA, Muhammad Yusrul; SUNNARDIARTO, Gagus Ketut
2022-04-08Self-diffusion Coefficient of Fe, Pb, Ni, and Cr by Molecular Dynamics Simulation using The Potential MorseMA'NUN, Luq’il; ARKUNDATO, Artoto; MISTO, Misto; PURWANDARI, Endhah; SUJITO, Sujito
2017-11-11Zinc Status and Cadmium Exposure in Stunted Children Aged from 24 to 59 Months: A Cross Sectional StudySULISTYANI, Sulistiyani; YUSI R, Leersia; ROHMAWATI, Ninna; ANTIKA, Ruli Bahyu; WIRJATMADI, Bambang; ADRIANI, Merryana
2022-11-01An Overview of the Factors that Influence Breastfeeding Mothers in Carrying Out the Covid-19 Vaccine on in Working Area At Gladak Pakem Public Health Center Jember RegencySANIYAH, Siti Sulfatus; KURNIAWATI, Dini; RAHMAWATI, Iis
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 1874