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Title: Transformative Learning Patterns Based on Non-Formal Education in Marginal Communities in Bondowoso District
Authors: IMSIYAH, Niswatul
SUPRIYONO, Supriyono
HARDIKA, Hardika
Keywords: transformative learning development patterns
based on non-formal education
marginalized communities
Issue Date: 4-Jan-2023
Publisher: AIP Conference Proceedings
Abstract: The purpose of this research focus is to analyze the transformative learning patterns based on non-formal education in marginalized communities in Bondowoso District. The method in this study uses a qualitative approach to the type of phenomenology. The technique used to determine informants is the Snowball Sampling Technique. Research informants are marginalized community and local arts and cultural center’s managers. Collecting data in this study through in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. The analysis steps are data collection, data reduction and data presentation and conclusion drawing. While checking the validity of the data by using extension of participation, persistence of observation, triangulation of sources and techniques. This study resulted in the following conclusions: 1) the pattern of fostering transformative learning in marginalized communities carried out by the local arts and cultural center in Bondowoso District by empowering with a transformative learning approach through training programs such as traditional dance, musical training, and skills in making accessories, welding, automotive repair, carpentry, and furniture. 2) The results of the transformative learning pattern based on non-formal education through training and motivation related to the importance of education provided by the local arts and cultural center so that it can provide changes to marginalized community’s children (beggars, buskers and scavengers) especially can break the chain related to jobs that finally did not follow in the footsteps of his parents' occupation as beggars, buskers and scavengers.
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