LSP-Conference Proceeding : [1874] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 281 to 300 of 1874
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022-06-23The Effect of Consumption of Young Coconut (Cocos Nucifera L) on Cholesterol Levels in Healthy PeoplePRASETYO, Aris; KUFARI, Alif; WAHYUDI, Septa Surya; FIRDAUS, Jauhar; HANDOKO, Adelia; SOFIANA, Kristianingrum Dian; WULANDARI, Pipiet
2022-05-20Development Strategy of Malang Kota Baru Station Area Using Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Principle ApproachHARMADI, Cantya Khansa; SULISTYONO, Sonya; LISTYAWATI, Ratih Novi; HAYATI, Nunung Nuring; ALFIAH, Rindang
2022-07-14Temperature Monitoring Based on Internet of Things in Ribbed Smoke Sheet FumigationWIBOWO, Yuli; SURYADHARMA, Bertung; DEWI, Reiza Anggita Tresna
2021-09-20Ethnobotany Production of Coconut Oil using Wet and Dry MethodsNURMA, Handayani; NURHAYATI, Nurhayati; WIBOWO, Yuli; RAHMANTO, Dedy Eko
2022-04-01Pemanfaatan Teh Sebagai Hasil Pertanian Untuk Pencegahan Penyakit Kronis Pada Masyarakat di Wilayah Gunung Gambir JemberAZIZAH, Laili Nur; ISTIQOMAH, Indriana Noor; MASHURI, Mashuri
2020-05-01Heatstroke prevention behavior by pilgrims from Lumajang, East Java, IndonesiaISTIQOMAH, Indriana Noor; AZIZAH, Laili Nur
2021-05-18Molecular Characterization of Secreted Proteins from Salivary Gland Immunogenic Protein of Anopheles vagusSENJARINI, Kartika; WATHON, Syubbanul; FEBRIYANTININGSIH, D. E. Febriyantiningsih; LEIZ, Christopher; OKTARIANTI, Rike
2021-12-03In vitro analysis of human immune response (IgG) against salivary gland extract of dengue vector from dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) endemic area in Jember, IndonesiaOKTARIANTI, Rike; DAMARA, Deni Rizky; QUDSIYAH, Suci Ummi Roziqotul; WATHON, Syubbanul; SENJARINI, Kartika
2021-12-02Species shifting composition of the Anopheles vector in Wongsorejo district - Banyuwangi, IndonesiaSENJARINI, Kartika; SETIAWAN, Rendy; WATHON, Syubbanul; OKTARIANTI, Rike
2022-07-03Training on Social Media Utilization for Communication Politics to Constituents in the Aspiration House Of Muhammad Nur Purnamasidi, Jember RegencyPURWANTO, Agung
2021-10-28Spiritual-well-being and resilience in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitusPERTIWI, Zulihastika Mesly Eka; WIDAYATI, Nur; SUTAWARDANA, Jon Hafan
2021Models and Strategies of Tourism Sector Investment Policy for Equitable Development in Probolinggo RegencyNUGROHO, Margaretta Andini; PUSPITA, Yeni
2020-10-08The Potency of Plant Resistance Inducers (Pris) Against Bacterial Wilt Disease on Tobacco Caused by Ralstonia SolanacearumNADHIRA, Nur Elia; WAHYUNI, Indah Desi; ADDY, Hardian Susilo
2019-01-08The Song, the Emotion and The Apocalyptic Life Evidence Of Nihilism in Linkin Park’s Song Lyrics: A Critical DiscourseanalysisDIANA, Sabta; ZULFIE, Vivian; TALLAPESSY, Albert
2019-09-30Representing Southeast Asia’s Female Leaders: An Unjust Perspective of New York Times on Woman in PoliticsDIANA, Sabta; MAIRA, Navyta Yuli Mazaya; TALLAPESSY, Albert
2019-05-03Analisa Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Risk Control (HIRARC) Pada Perguruan Tinggi Yang Berlokasi di PabrikPUTRI, Rizkiyah Nur; TRIFIANANTO, Muhammad
2019-05-03Analisa Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Risk Control (Hirarc) Pada Perguruan Tinggi Yang Berlokasi di PabrikPUTRI, Rizkiyah Nur; TRIFIANANTO, Muhammad
2011-12-24Penguatan Klaster Industri Batik Menggunakan Self-Development Strategy di Kabupaten TubanPRIHATINI, Dewi
2016-03-02The Effect of Disaster Health Education with SAVI Approach for Floods Disaster Preparedness at Kebonsari Village Jember RegencyRONDHIANTO, Rondhianto
2022-06-23Diabetes Diet Self-Management of People with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Jember Regency, East Java Province, Indonesia: OverviewRONDHIANTO, Rondhianto
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 281 to 300 of 1874