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Title: The Growth Inducing Endophyte: Optimizing the Non-host Endophyte as Growth Promoter
Authors: SUGIYARTO, Sugiyarto
SUPRIYADI, Supriyadi
ADDY, Hardian Susilo
Keywords: Growth Inducing Endophyte
Non-host Endophyte
Growth Promoter
Issue Date: 7-Nov-2021
Publisher: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Abstract: The plants present a complex, spatially and temporally diverse ecological habitat. As living support of human, microorganism, microorganism and fungal. They are life in the host plant as endo, ecto, semi endo or other kind living mechanism. The symbiotic associations between microorganisms and plants are ancient and fundamental. Most of plant protection scientist develop the broad range of host in endphopytic microbes for the future purposes, such as biological control agents, growth inducer, the plant resistance inducer and soon. However, the development non true host of endophytic microbes are challenging. The research was done by isolating potential endophyte from three toga plant and then tested to spinach. The growing and plant pathogenic possibility test was done to eliminating the potential plant pathogen microbes. From 40 isolate, was detected more than 20 isolate have possibility to be a pathogen of Spinach, with different symptoms appearance level. The level of growth induced result also have different result among the potential endophyte. They appear on the growing time, the long of root and shoot number of spinach. The optimizing of growth promoter endophyte especially for non-host endophyte, need the extra path for convinced the isolated endophyte not to be potential plant pathogen.
Gov't Doc #: Kodeprodi#1510401#ProteksiTanaman
Appears in Collections:LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen

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