Browsing by Author SISWANTO, Siswanto

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Showing results 15 to 29 of 29 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019-06-03Memahami Sosiologi Sastra Alan SwingewoodSISWANTO, Siswanto; HUSNIAH, Furoidatul
2021-07-01Merupa SeblangSISWANTO, Siswanto
2021-05-01Mitos Rokat Aeng Manes Masyarakat Maritim Situbondo: Analisis Skema Aktansial dan Struktur Fungsional (Myths of Rokat Aeng Manes Situbondo Maritime Community: Analysis of Actional Schemes and Functional Structures)SISWANTO, Siswanto; SUKATMAN, Sukatman
2021-07-01OjungSISWANTO, Siswanto
2021-05-04Pectinase Production by Using Coffee Pulp Substrate as Carbon and Nitrogen SourceGASANI, Okta Novalia; A.AZIZAH, A. Azizah; SISWANTO, Siswanto; WINARSA, Rudju
2023-01-01Pengembangan Eduwisata Berbasis Literasi Bahari di Desa Kedungrejo, Kecamatan Muncar, Kabupaten BanyuwangiTAUFIK, Akhmad; SUKATMAN, Sukatman; SISWANTO, Siswanto; MURTI, Fitri Nura
2021-07-01Perancangan Model Desain PETA Pandu Teknologi Informasi Masterplan E-government Smart Kampung Tahun 2021 – 2025 (Studi Kasus: Desa Kalibarukulon, Kecamatan Kalibaru, Kabupaten Banyuwangi)SISWANTO, Siswanto
2022-12Petunjuk Praktikum Biologi DasarULUM, Fuad Bahrul; SETYATI, Dwi; FAJARIYAH, Susantin; LELONO, Asmoro; UTAMI, Eva Tyas; PURWATININGSIH, Purwatiningsih; NIHAYAH, Husnatun; WIMBANINGRUM, Retno; SETIAWAN, Rendy; SIDDIQ, Arif Mohammad; SISWANTO, Siswanto; SUTOYO, Sutoyo; UTARTI, Esti; ARIMURTI, Sattya; OKTARIANTI, Rike; WATHON, Syubbanul
2022-04-05Production Single Cell Proteins Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Using Product Hydrolysis Jatropha Curcas Cernel Cake Fermentation by Aspergillus NigerBAROKAH, Anis; SISWANTO, Siswanto; MUZAKHAR, Kahar
2019-11-15Risalah Tubuh di Ladang Kemarau Antologi Puisi Forum Sastra Timur JawaSISWANTO, Siswanto
2023-06-23Studi Pemanfaatan Limbah Cair Tahu Sebagai Substrat dalam Sistem Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) Berbasis KeramikMULYONO, Tri; SISWANTO, Siswanto; MISTO, Misto; GARNET R.A, Mutiara; CAHYONO, Bowo Eko
2019-09-02Van Der Wijck’s Trace in Pantura: The Development of Tourism Industry Based on Literary-Culture SiteTAUFIQ, Akhmad; SISWANTO, Siswanto
2019-07-11Van Der Wijck’s Trace in Pantura: The Development of Tourism Industry Based on Literary-Culture SiteTAUFIQ, Akhmad; SISWANTO, Siswanto
2017-11-01Ziarah LautSISWANTO, Siswanto
2017-11-01Ziarah Tanah BatuSISWANTO, Siswanto