Variasi Komposisi Input Proses Anaerobik untuk Produksi Biogas pada Penanganan Limbah Cair Kopi (Variation of Input Composition of Anaerobic Process on Coffee Wastewater Treatment)
PRADANA, Hendra Andiananta
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Generally, there are two methods of coffee processing beans that are the dry processing and
wet processing. The wet coffee processing will produce waste water containing organic materials.
The high contain of organic matter in coffee wastewater can be used as biogas through anaerobic
process. The biogas production from this processcould have variation of volume and composition
depends on their feeding. The purposes of this research were to find the best biogas volume would be
produced based on variation of input in batch feeding method (1) and to reduce coffee wastewater
concentration by anaerobic process (2). The researched procedures were inoculum production,
incubating adaptation and variation of batch feeding into the anaerobic reactor (4 variations). The
variation of batch feeding were (1) 1:1; (2) 3:1; (3) 3.7:0.3 for water and (4) 3.6 : 0.4 for cow dung.
The highest biogas volume and pollution load reduction were occurred in batch feeding composition
1:1. The volume of biogas production was 250 mL at day 6 and the percentage of parameters
reduction were COD 57.35% and BOD 57%. Based on this research, there were also increasing gas
volume from day 2 (95 ml) up to day 6 (250 ml) in each batch.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]