Village Innovation Through Village Information Administration System (SAID) in Bondowoso District East Java Province
The Evaluation of Pilot Project Universitas Membangun Desa (UMD) focuses on the
development of villages in Bondowoso district of East Java province through the innovation of the use of
information technology. This study presents an evaluation of the implementation of a pilot project of the
Village Information Administration System (SAID) implemented in ten villages located in two wringin
and cermee sub districts in 2016. This program is an innovative collaboration between Jember
University, Community Collaboration and welfare services (KOMPAK) and Australian Aid. The
purpose of this program is to build a Village Information System (SID) and utilize it to create an
independent village in data and information, introduction of village potential and marketing of village
superior products. through a qualitative approach, this research can describe the context and setting
naturally through observation, interviews with stakeholders and beneficiaries of the program. The results
show that the Village Information Administration System (SAID) is able to accelerate and improve the
quality of village government services but there are several problems in its implementation such as
internet network problems, low human resource competence, lack of support from village government and
inadequate facilities and infrastructure.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7342]