Teaching English to Young Learners Through Games: A Modified Snakes and Ladders Game
This paper critically reviews the potential of using games in the context of formal learning
of English Language forvonng learners. Games help the reacher generate language contexts
so that the language is useful and meaningful. They provide the young learners with a series
of illustrative examples of how games are being used in Jun activities in learning English.
One of the board games chosen is Snakes and Ladders Game since this encourages young
learners lo work
in pairs or small group work as one of the main ways to increase
cooperation. The variation of Snakes and Ladders Game created by the teacher can motivate
and promote learners' interaction, and automatically improve" their language acquisition.
The use of Snakes and Ladders Game can create a more dynamic language learning, so that
the learners obtain their self-confidence and are responsible for their own language
- LSP-Conference Proceeding [1876]