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dc.contributor.authorRahmawati, Iis
dc.descriptionSJEPS Vol. 1, Issue 7, Page: 06-14, July 2019en_US
dc.description.abstractThe aims of this study was to review of the literature is the first to identify the character education for prevention premarital sexual behavior, both to identify how communication sexuality between parents and adolescent. Methods with data base of relevant health, including PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar. The results show that six articles included in the review. Character education of teenagers in the family can play a role in shaping the personality of teenage children of good character in thinking and behavior, so avoid behaviors sexual premarital, but the parents have problems in communicating sex to teenagers due to a taboo to talk about sexuality, shame, and child afraid to experiment sexually related. The conclusion there are barriers to the communication of sexual issues between parents and teens that have an impact on the educational process teenage characters by their parents at home.en_US
dc.subjectadolescent character educationen_US
dc.subjectpremarital sexual prevention in adolescentsen_US
dc.titleBuilding Character Through Teen Character Education Efforts by Parents in the Prevention of Premarital Sexual Adolescenten_US

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